Sunday, March 28, 2010

Week 10 : Website

I really enjoyed creating this website!!! It was much easier than I expected. The possibilites are endless. Creating internal and external links didn't take nearly as much hassle as Dreamweaver. The need to know html codes / language was also eliminated. Anyone can create a website using goolge sites. Click here to view my website.


  1. I am glad that you felt it was easy to use Google site. I would like to know how you will integrate the site into your classroom. Great job in creating the site.

  2. The website looks good. It looks like you used all of the customization options available in Google Sites. Surely Dreamweaver and the like provide many more options than Sites does. It's interesting that you put your navigation on the right instead of the default left. I noticed you also switched up sides from the default on your blog design!
